Brain Networks Laboratory (Choe Lab)

[OpenAI][Stanley][Evolution][LM] Intelligent Mutations in Genetic Programming: OpenAI Proposes Evolution Through Large Models

Aug 25, 2022

New research from OpenAI (senior author Ken Stanley is a good friend from grad school days) shows how evolutionary computation can be used to fine tune large language models and help them explore uncharted territories.


  1. The ELM method for efficiently evolving programs through LLMs.

  2. A technique for improving ELM’s ability to search over time by fine-tuning its LLM-based mutation operator.

  3. A demonstration of ELM in a domain not included in the training data of the LLM.

  4. Validation that data generated through ELM can bootstrap enhanced LLMs that offer a novel path towards open-endedness.

Choe: no need to have everything to be differentiable

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