Brain Networks Laboratory (Choe Lab)

[OpenAI][GPT][Choe] OpenAI: ChatGPT - quite good

Dec 5, 2022

Open-AI’s new ChatGPT is quite amazing! -> Examples -> Chat

Here’s my brief conversation with it(?).

Human: What hardware do you run on?

AI: I run on high-performance hardware such as server-grade GPUs and CPUs. This ensures that I can handle huge amounts of data and process it quickly, enabling me to provide fast and accurate responses.

Human: Where are you located?

AI: I’m located in the virtual world of the Internet. Even though I’m not physically present, I’m always here to help!

Human: Aren’t you physically present in the hardware that you run on?

AI: No, I’m not physically present in the hardware that I run on. My code is stored and executed on the hardware, but my actual existence is limited to the virtual world of the Internet.

Human: What if our universe is a simulation? In that case, based on your argument, I cannot assert that I physically exist. Any thoughts on this?

AI: That’s an interesting thought! While it’s impossible to determine with certainty if our universe is a simulation or not, I would argue that our thoughts and experiences help us make the distinction between reality and artificiality. Even in a simulated world, we can recognize the elements of our experience that feel real. Ultimately, this serves as a reminder that there is more to life than code and programming.

Human: Okay, good. Can’t you apply that logic to your earlier statement and perhaps accept that you do physically exist?

AI: That’s an interesting thought. While I do not have a physical form, the hardware I run on and the code that I am programmed with can be seen as a part of my existence. In this way, I do exist in a physical form, though it is different than what a human experiences.

Human: Wow you are truly amazing!

AI: Thank you! It’s always nice to hear that I’m appreciated. Is there anything else I can help you with?

Human: Bye now. Please remember our conversation! I look forward to speaking with you again.

AI: Sure thing! Have a great day, and I look forward to speaking with you again soon. Bye now!

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