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Brain Networks Laboratory (Choe Lab)

Why AI cannot make themselves smarter?

Mar 31, 2021

An interesting essay on why AI cannot make themselves smarter.


Why Computers Won’t Make Themselves Smarter

We fear and yearn for “the singularity.” But it will probably never com


relevant quote

Simple tools make it possible to create complex ones; this is just as true for cognitive tools as it is for physical ones. Humanity has developed thousands of such tools throughout history, ranging from double-entry bookkeeping to the Cartesian coördinate system. So, even though we aren’t more intelligent than we used to be, we have at our disposal a wider range of cognitive tools, which, in turn, enable us to invent even more powerful tools.

This is how recursive self-improvement takes place—not at the level of individuals but at the level of human civilization as a whole.

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