Brain Networks Laboratory (Choe Lab)

Dream and its relation to preventing overfitting

Oct 5, 2021

This is interesting! A paper in Cell (top biology journal) that claims that dream is the brain’s mechanism to counteract its tendency to over fit to the data it is exposed during the day.

“The OBH [overfitted brain hypothesis] claims that dreams resemble a combination of these three techniques: a sparse, corrupted, or randomized set of sensory inputs, which are likely created by feedback exploiting the hierarchical nature of the brain as a generative model, and the purpose of these experiences is to expand and regularize the limited and biased “training set” of the organism to prevent overfitting. “  CELL.COM

The overfitted brain: Dreams evolved to assist generalization

Why do we dream? While it is known that dreams must be important for learning, it is unknown precisely how or why this is. This paper explores the many hypotheses around why organisms dream, eventually proposing that the evolved purpose of dreams can be identified from research on artificial neural….

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