Blog: [Choe]-Tagged Collection
This is a collection of all articles in the Blog tagged with “[Choe]”
- 2024
- [Choe] Braitenberg vehicle simulator using ChatGPT+Claude
- [Consciousness][Sensorimotor][Penrose][Choe] Consciousness and microtubules
- [Choe][Lab][Consciousness][Meaning] My talk at the NORDTEK conference
- 2022
- [Vision][Consciousness][ORegan][Choe] Recent Trends in Visual Cognition Workshop
- [ChatGPT][LLM][Choe] More fun with ChatGPT
- [OpenAI][GPT][Choe] OpenAI: ChatGPT - quite good
- [Olfaction][Hippocampus][Choe] An intrinsic association between olfactory identification and spatial memory in humans
- [BeyondDL][Molnar][Choe] Beyond Benchmark Islands
- [Consciousness][Choe] The mind is more than a machine
- [LeCun][AGI][Choe] AGI vs. Human-Level AI
- [Lab Seminar][Tool][Choe] Three Ingredients for Becoming a Proficient Tool User
- [Tool][Book][Choe] Animal Tool Use
- [Action][Choe] Masked Visual Pre-Training for Motor Control
- [Time][Buonomano][Choe][Lab Seminar] The human brain and the nature of time
- [Choe] My library books
- [Kahneman][Choe] Daniel Kahneman, on Adversarial Collaboration
- [Consciousness][Choe] Muscularity of Mind
- [Choe] My questions answered
- [Notice][Choe] Renovated web page launched!
- [Lab Seminar][Body][Choe] Proprioception and the importance of spatial intelligence / bodily experience
- [RIKEN][Choe] Free energy principle explains the brain?
- [Consciousness][Choe] Machine consciousness and Buddhist philosophy
- [Choe] My revised paper: Meaning vs. information, prediction vs. memory, and question vs. answer
- 2021
- [Mind][Choe] Mental phenomena don't map into the brain as expected
- [Tool][Choe] Crows understand the concept of tool value!
- [Cognition][Choe] Ordering information into sequences improves cognitive performance
- [Philosophy][Choe] Mechanisms of meaning
- [Evolution][Choe] Simulated AI: how mind and body evolved together
- [NeurIPS][Choe] 2021 accepted papers
- [Tutorial][Choe] A recipe for training neural networks
- [Mind][Choe] Need for a Copernican shift to understand the mind: Pamela Lyon
- [Facebook][Choe] Self-supervised learning at Facebook
- [Oudeyer][Choe] Exciting talk on developmental artificial intelligence
- [Philosophy][Kording][Choe] Philosophical understanding of representation in neuroscience
- [Lab Seminar][Neural code][Choe] Good decisions require more than information
- [Grounding][Choe] Grounding natural language meaning based on physical interaction with the world - Yejin Choi lab
- [NSF][Choe] Workshop on analyzing neural circuits
- [Prediction][Choe] Fly brain constantly predicts change in the environment
- [Body][Choe] Third Thumb: Human augmentation and plasticity of the brain
- [NEAT][Choe] How single-cell organisms can reach its life's goal with such simple machinary!
- [Stanley][Choe] Open-endedness in AI: Ken Stanley
- [Hawkins][Choe] Jeff Hawkins' new book on the brain: A Thousand Brains
- [Consiousness][Choe] Consciousness prior - Bengio group
- [Grounding][Choe] Grounding spatial topology and metric regularity through sensorimotor learning
- [Body][Choe] Importance of proprioception
- [Saxe][Choe] Andrew Saxe on analyzing simple neural networks to understand neural networks better
- [Prediction][Choe] Learning the predictability of the future
- 2020
- [Gary Marcus][Choe] Insights for AI from the human mind
- [Choe] AI debate 2 : some interesting take aways
- [Self][Choe] The information theory of individuality
- [HBP][Choe] A documentary on the 1 billion Euro European brain project
- [Lab Seminar] [Choe] Time, Brain, and Neural Networks
- [Buzsaki][Choe] The brain from inside out - by Gyorgy Buzsaki!
- [Philosophy][Choe] Philosopher AI + GPT 3 = Awesome!!
- [Meaning][Lake][Choe] Word meaning in minds and machines!!
- [Choe] Math genealogy project!
- [Choe] Thoughts on learning motor primitives
- [Choe] My lecture on the limitations of deep learning and how to overcome them
- [Prediction][Choe] Probing emergent semantics in predictive agents via question answering
- [Choe] My Ph.D. student Han Wang graduated!
- [Mind][Choe] Why your brain is not a computer!
- [Memory][Choe] Bayesian superorganism III: externalized memories facilitates ...
- [Choe] Arxiv-sanity: excellent resource for finding and organizing papers
- [Sejnowski][Choe] The unreasonable effectiveness of deep learning in AI - Terry Sejnowski
- [Choe] My chapter in the INNS 30th anniversary book
- [Gestalt][Choe] Insight learning, a paradigm to make deep learning better?
- [Gary Marcus][Choe] Next decade in AI
- 2018
- [Choe] Artificial Intelligence in the Age of Neural Networks and Brain Computing
- [Olfaction][Choe] On the nose: Sissel Tolaas is a star in the world of smells.
- [Intrinsic][Choe] Disentangling the independently controllable factors of variation by interacting with the world
- 2017
- [Lab Seminar] [Nowak][Lee][Choe] Knife-Edge Scanning Microscopy: Towards Full-Scale Analysis of the Cerebrovasculature System of the Whole Mouse Brain
- [Lab Seminar] [Reams][Choe][Tool] Emergence of tool construction in an articulated limb controlled by evolved neural circuits
- 2016
- [Lab Seminar] [Nguyen][Choe] Explanation of the perceptual oblique effect based on the fidelity of oculomotor control during saccades
- [Lab Seminar] [Nowak][Choe] Knife-Edge Scanning Microscopy for in silico Study of Cerebral Blood Flow: from Biological Imaging Data to Flow Simulations
- 2015
- [Lab Seminar] [Parulkar][Choe] Autonomous Grounding of the Optical Flow Detectors in a Simulated Visuomotor System of the Fly
- 2014
- [Lab Seminar] [Li][Choe][Yoo][Tool] Emergence of Tool Use in an Articulated Limb Controlled by Evolved Neural Circuits
- [Lab Seminar] [Choe] Brain Connectivity Mapping. IJCNN tutorial 2013
- 2013
- [Lab Seminar] [Yoo][Choi][Choe] Motor map development
- 2012
- [Lab Seminar] [Sarma][Choe] Salience in orientation-filter response measured as suspicious coincidence in natural images
- 2010
- [Lab Seminar] [Yang][Choe] Interactive editing tools for EM image analysis
- [Lab Seminar] [Mann][Choe] Prenatal vs. postnatal developoment
- [Lab Seminar] [Choi][Choe] Manifold integration with markov random walk
- 2009
- [Lab Seminar] [Han][Choe] Fast and Accurate Retinal Vasculature Tracing and Kernel-Isomap-based Feature Selection
- [Lab Seminar] [Park][Choe] Tactile or Visual?: Stimulus Characteristics Determine Receptive Field Type in a Self-Organizing Map Model of Cortical Development
- 2008
- [Lab Seminar] [Choe][Kwon] Internal state predictability as an evolutionary precursor of self-awareness and agency